Megan Becker

Megan Becker is a Senior Research Officer leading the process mineralogy initiative in the Centre for Minerals Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town. She has a background in geology (BSc Hons, MSc – University of Cape Town) and a PhD in process mineralogy from the University of Pretoria, South Africa (2009). Her research interests focus on understanding both the effect mineralogy has on the beneficiation process and the effect of the beneficiation process on the mineralogy, and how one can best use mineralogy information.
She has a keen interest in teaching mineralogy and in mineralogical analysis techniques, and currently manages the QEMSCAN facility in the CMR. She has supervised close to 20 postgraduate students and has over 50 peer reviewed publications in international journals and conference proceedings in the area of minerals beneficiation (including comminution, flotation, hydrometallurgy and environmental aspects such as acid rock drainage).