Meghanaiyegee (Megha) Venketasamy
Meghanaiyegee (Megha) Venketasamy has over seven years of experience in working on grassroots projects and with NGOs in Mauritius and Africa, with a focus on women empowerment through leadership training, political empowerment, and gender awareness. Megha’s life purpose is to serve women and men by building bridges and bringing balance for the collective healing of this world through co-creative collaborations.Meghanaiyegee (Megha) Venketasamy holds a degree in Business Management and is also an Associate Certified Meta-Coach by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics. Currently, she is one of the Board Members of Trade and Impact, an international association whose purpose is to focus on women led social enterprises in Africa and MNE. In her professional and activism commitments, Megha focuses on inner-empowerment of women by working through belief systems by combining neuro-semantic tools with facilitation tools, for that which is constructed can be deconstructed. She journeys with women so that they remember their inner power and then lead their way through.Upon completion of Mandela Washington Fellowship, Megha plans to start a political coaching journey for women in Africa, through co-creative collaboration with other fellows from the program.