Michel Sabir Michael Ratovonasy

Michel Sabir Michael Ratovonasy has over seven years’ experience in public administration and is now the director of the National Institute of Training within the Ministry of Employment, Technical Education and Vocational Training. The ministry is in charge of defending the rights of the workers and Sabir has a strong commitment to defend minority rights, and especially the rights of abused women. Michel Sabir Michael Ratovonasy got his Phd in Philosophy in 2011, and will attend the University of Minnesota to study Public Administration. When he returns to Madagascar, he promises to pass on what he has learned through the Fellowship to other departments of his ministry. This training has already received the approval of his superiors because training on administrations is highly needed in his ministry. Among other things, Sabir is fighting against human trafficking and engaged in defending the rights of handicapped women so that they can get vocational training. Stayed in Africa.