Mokoditloa Eliakim (Alec) Moemi

Mr Mokoditloa Eliakim (Alec) Moemi was appointed SRSA’s new Director General from 1 November 2011, while Ms Sumayya Khan, who had been acting as Director General reverted to her post as Chief Operating Officer.
DG Moemi talking about his priorities (video).
Alec Moemi is a post-graduate of the University of the Free State in South Africa having obtained a Masters Degree in Political Governance and Transformation. He also holds a B. Juris degree from the University of North-West in South Africa. He participated extensively as a student leader on campus and was elected as the Chairperson of the South African Student’s Congress during his time there. Alec was also elected into the Student’s Representative Council (SRC) in 1997 and as SRC President in 1998 and re-elected for a second term in 1999.
He also participated extensively in the student leadership having served organizations such as the Congress of South African Students (COSAS), the South African Student’s Press Union (SASPU) and the South African Students’ Congress (SASCO) during his student life. Alec also served as a member of various youth organizations and engaged in many youth initiatives.
Alec previously served as a Council member of the University of North-West (UNW) Council, first as a representative of the students by being the President of the SRC. He was later elected as the Treasurer General of the UNW Alumni Association and also represented the Alumni on the University Council during the same period. He received further training in Management of Corporate Communications at University of the Witwatersrand Business School. Alec also holds a Certificate in Public Relations and is a member of the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA). He was also a member of the Provincial Executive Committee of the Black Management Forum in the Free State. He further attended a number of major conferences and has travelled extensively internationally.
Alec has previously been an active entrepreneur having successfully run his private businesses in the services and retail sectors. He was previously employed as the National Administrator for the African National Congress (ANC) (South Africa’s Ruling Party) in the Youth League Head Quarters. Thereafter he served briefly as Manager: Special Projects and subsequently Manager: Strategic Partnerships, for Umsobomvu Youth Fund (a Fund that was established by the South African Government to promote entrepreneurship and job creation for persons between the ages of 18 and 35 now the National Youth Development Agency). He then worked for the Free State Youth Commission (A fully fledged provincial government non-trading public entity that was established to promote youth policy for the Free State Provincial Government – now dissolved) as Chief Executive Officer. He also served as a Regional Manager for the Bloemfontein Region for Standard Bank (South Africa’s largest bank by assets) in the Free State. Alec also worked for the Office of the Premier in the Free State Provincial Government of the Republic of South Africa as Chief Director responsible for Special Programmes and Inter Governmental Relations. He is currently serving as the Director General of the Department of Sports and Recreation South Africa in the Republic of South Africa.