

Momodou M Bah (Inkeh)

Momodou M Bah (Inkeh)

Momodou M Bah (Inkeh) has over seven years’ experience in community development, grass-root volunteering, and public management. He has served as an elected ward councilor since 2007 for which his responsibilities include identifying, prioritizing, coordinating, and implementing all developments in his community, through community mobilization and participation. Momodou M Bah (Inkeh) also serves as the board chairman of The Eastern Foni Federation, a local NGO affiliated to Child Fund involving recruiting, training, and managing staff and volunteers and developing schedules and outlines. He initiated a mangrove rehabilitation project in his community with youth volunteers and planted 40, 000 mangroves. Inkeh is skilled in public management, project management, and inspiring youth participation in development and politics. He graduated from high school and holds certificates in IT, project management, and international relations and politics. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Inkeh plans to continue volunteering and pursue his political career to the next possible level. Stayed in Africa.
