Monametsi Richson Sokwe

Sokwe has spent more than eight years working at different levels of socio-economic development. His career started in monitoring and evaluation, which he crafted with studies in Botswana, Thailand and Mauritius, and he represented his country at the SADC Regional M&E Technical Working Group. We worked at Tebelopele Volunteering and Counselling Centre as the head of the M&E Unit, leading the country’s biggest VCT database. He is currently the executive director of Ngamiland Council Of NGOs (NCONGO), which is considered a model NGO in Botswana and the only district coalition in the country, leading in community-lead innovation. It has touched many lives through training, advocacy, and infrastructural development and has partnered with organizations in Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, South Africa and others to implement projects. Sokwe also doubles as the managing director of African Van and Car Rental, a start up company specializing in top of the range vehicle rentals.