Morris Mthombeni

Morris joined the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (“GIBS”) in 2014 and was appointed executive director of faculty in 2017.
In academia, he is a lecturer on the MBA programme, where he is the lead lecturer on courses that focus on corporate strategy, management consulting and innovation.
On the executive education programmes, he is a lecturer in the fields of corporate strategy, organisational leadership and corporate governance to senior managers, executives, and senior public sector officials. To this end, he lectures on GIBS’ flagship Global Executive Development Programme, Board Leadership Programme and the Harvard Senior Executive Leadership Programme.
Prior to GIBS, Morris had acquired extensive experience in the financial services industry. To date (2018), he has more than 27 years of experience in financial service organisations, with 19 years in top management and on the boards of banks, insurance companies, asset management companies, state-owned entities, industry and regulatory bodies.
In addition to his academic and executive roles at GIBS, Morris provides strategic services to select clients in the private and public sectors. He also serves as a director on boards of public sector entities, private companies and not for profit organisations. He is the chairman of African Phoenix Investments Limited.
In addition to South Africa, Morris has had teaching, research or corporate governance assignments in Botswana, England, Germany, Ghana, Holland, Ireland, Mozambique, Nigeria, Poland, Rwanda, Russia, Swaziland, Sweden, the USA, and Zimbabwe.