Mr Danie Meintjes

Mr Danie Meintjes served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Mediclinic Group from 2010 up to his retirement on 1 June 2018, remaining on the Board as an executive director until 31 July 2018 and currently serves as a non-executive director from 1 August 2018. He was appointed as an executive director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on 15 February 2016. Prior to the combination of the businesses of the Company (then Al Noor Hospitals Group plc) and Mediclinic International Limited in 2016, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Mediclinic International Limited from 2010. He has served in various management positions in the Remgro group, before joining the Mediclinic Group in 1985 as the hospital manager of Mediclinic Sandton. He was appointed as a member of Mediclinic’s Executive Committee in 1995 and as a director in 1996. He was seconded to serve as a senior executive of the Group’s operations in Dubai in 2006, and appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Mediclinic Middle East in 2007. He served as a non-executive director of Spire Healthcare Group plc from 2015, from which position he retired on 24 May 2018.