

Mr. George Rwezaura Shumbusho

Joined the bank on 1st December 2017 bringing with him over sixteen years’ experience in Banking Industry (having worked for NMB, Standard Chartered, Stanbic and Exim Banks at different middle and senior management roles). He has bias in Global Markets and Coverage (Relationship Management covering Government, Public Sector, Financial Institutions, Non-Bank Financial Institutions and International Organizations).

A transformation leader having key roles such as development of the Financial Markets of Tanzania on Foreign Exchange (Standard pricing), Open Markets Operations (Master Repurchase Agreement) and Market Ethics (standardization and adoption of the Model Code & Dispute resolution guidelines). Served in a sterling committee team of ACI during the formulation of ACI – Tanzania chapter and aided as the first Chairperson for its Professionalism Committee. He also took part in a team that transformed Exim Bank Tanzania between 2014 and 2016.

He is a Graduate with MBA from ESAMI / MsM, Certified International Financial Markets practitioner (ACI), PGDFM and ADIT.
