

Mr Jinnoh Nkhambule

Jinnoh Nkhambule

Mr Jinnoh Nkambule joined the SWSC Board as a non-executive member in August 2017. Mr Nkambule served the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini for 38 years as a civil servant.Between 2008 and 2016 Jinnoh Nkhambule held the position of Principal Secretary in various Ministries (Ministry of Commerce Industry and Trade; Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs; Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy and Ministry of Labour and Social Security),Swaziland.

Over the years he represented the Government of Eswatini in many regional and international fora including the International Labour Conference, UNCHR, AU Commission, SADC and SACU where he played critical roles such as Delegate, Reporter and Chief Negotiator among others.  He has also served in a number of statutory boards including public enterprises where he was representing Government.
