Mr. Joshua Choge,

Mr. Joshua Choge, Chairman of the KenGen Board of Directors, born in 1958, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Statistics. Mr Choge has a Master’s degree in Management and Leadership from the Management University of Africa and is currently pursuing a PhD in Leadership and Management. He is a trained accountant from Strathmore College and has been trained by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, UK, on Procurement Management. He is a member of Institute of Directors of Kenya. He has over twenty years’ experience in the public sector in various positions including the Purchasing Manager and the Deputy Chief Internal Auditor at the East African Portland Cement.
He is fully conversant with corporate governance matters, having attended the critically acclaimed Corporate Governance Training for Directors organised by the Centre for Corporate Governance. He has also attended various training programs including the ‘Leading the Board’ and ‘The Effective Director’ programs organised by Strathmore Business School; and the Strategic Leadership Seminar for Board Chairmen organised by Institute of Directors of Kenya. Mr Choge has been a distinguished speaker and participant at various international energy forums where he has represented KenGen’s interests. These forums include the Powering East Africa Conference, World Geothermal Congress, Annual Corporate Governance Conference, Geothermal Resource Council, Africa Energy Net, Africa Infrastructure & Power Forum and the Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit.
Mr.Choge has served as a Director at the Agricultural Finance Corporation where he was the Deputy Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Finance and Business Committee of the Board. He is an experienced businessman and a board member of several schools. He is also the Chairman of the Board of the African Inland Church, Kapsabet Bible College in Nandi County. Currently, he is the CEO of Talent Foundation International (TFI), a non-governmental organisation that identifies and develops talent among needy children.