

Mr. Leonard Mususa

Mr. Leonard Mususa (64) is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and the Certified Public Accountants of Tanzania. He was the Country Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Tanzania until his retirement in June 2014 and also served as Regional Head of Risk and Quality of the PwC Assurance business covering the East African Market area. He was appointed to the NMG board as an independent non-executive director in March 2015. He is a member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance as well as the Human Resources and Remuneration Committees and is the Chairman of Mwananchi Communications Limited in Tanzania. He is also a director of ARM Cement Limited and Chairman of its subsidiaries in Tanzania, a director of National Microfinance Bank Plc (Tanzania), Tanzania Breweries Limited and Reliance Insurance Company (Tanzania) Limited
