

Mr. Linus Gitahi

Mr. Linus Gitahi

Mr. Linus Gitahi, MBS, was appointed to the Board in April 2017. He holds a B.Com (Hons) in Accounting from the University of Nairobi, a Diploma in Management from the Kenya Institute of Management and an MBA from the United States International University. He is also a Fellow of the Kenya Institute of Management. Mr. Linus Gitahi is currently the Chairman of Tropikal Brands (Africa) Limited, Chairman of Oxygene Communication Limited and a Trustee of the Management University of Africa. In addition, he is a director of Simba Corp, Outspan Hospital and Medical College as well as Allianz Insurance (K) Limited. He previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Nation Media Group and prior to that was the Group Chief Executive Officer for West Africa for GlaxoSmithKline after having held diverse management positions with them.
