Mrs. Brenda Semevo Afari

Brenda Semevo Afari is a Lawyer and Corporate Governance Practitioner with 15 years experience in the national and international community.
Brenda Semevo Afari joined Universal Merchant Bank in April 2015, after seven very successful years as Chief Legal Affairs and Corporate Governance Officer at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, a technical arm of the African Union Commission responsible for implementing Pillar IV of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Program (CAADP Pillar IV).
She has considerable experience in the Ghanaian financial sector having worked with Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited for 4 years and for another three years with Awoonor Law Consultancy a reputable firm of Corporate and Investment Lawyers.
She has supported institutions in obtaining and administering loans and / or grants from financial institutions and international development organizations including the World Bank and European Union Commission and has facilitated the efficient running of Boards across the continent.
Brenda is a Lawyer with 15 years hands on experience in the general practice of law and corporate governance. Specialized areas of law include business/commercial, investment and corporate law, legal aspects of banking and finance and international non-profit organizations. Her work has taken her to over 15 countries in Africa and Europe.
She holds an LLM in Banking and Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science, an LLB from the University of Ghana and GCE O and A Levels from Achimota School. She is also in the final stage of gaining membership to the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, London UK and is a Chevening Scholar