Mukwandi Chibesakunda

Chief Executive Officer Zanaco
Mukwandi Chibesakunda is the Chief Executive Officer of Zambia National Commercial Bank (Zanaco)Plc, Zambia’s leading indigenous Financial Services Provider and is the first female Chief Executive of this organization.
She hails with a banking career spanning over 20 years, having served in various Executive roles within Zambia’s financial services industry, including the role of Past President of the Zambian Institute of Banking and Financial Services.
Mukwandi has been featured in various leading publications such as the Forbes Magazine and African Leadership Magazine, based on her experience in leading transformational growth and supporting the growth of SME’s. She was named CEO of the year in Zambia, 2021 by the CEO monthly, an internationally renowned magazine, by publishing house AI Global Media. She was also named African Female Leader of the year for 2021 by the Africa Leadership Magazine and is a recipient of the Most Inclusive Leader: Southern Africa” award for 2022 by Accenture an initiative of Business Engage Mukwandi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Zambia and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration as well as a Master of Business Administration from Manchester University in the UK. Furthermore, Mrs. Chibesakunda is a Fellow of the Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services, as well as a Fellow of the Zambia Institute of Directors.