Mulu Berhanu Hundera

Mulu Berhanu has over 10 years’ experience in the field of management, gender, and development. Currently, Mulu is an Assistant Professor of Management and Development at Haramaya University (HU), Ethiopia, where she focused on teaching gender and development courses, researching on gender and inclusive business as well as advocating gender equality and inclusive development in the country. Mulu is the first female college Dean in the 60 years history of the university. Mulu Berhanu Hundera is also the founder and Vice-President of a women’s association. Mulu is doing her Ph.D. research on women entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa, where she focuses on role conflict and business performance. Mulu is driven by her commitment to inclusive development and one day she hopes to witness all marginalized and excluded groups be stakeholders in development processes. Upon completion of the Mandela fellowship, Mulu plans to continue her work on inclusive development with a focus on advocating for gender and other cross-cutting issues mainstreaming in different sectors of Ethiopia