

Mzukisi Faleni

Mzukisi Faleni

Mzukisi Faleni, originally from Weston, Hankey in the Eastern Cape (South Africa).  Ndingu Mkwayi, ozalwa nguMamntlane. He worked on a farm of vegetables, potatoes, oranges, and carrots, doing hard farm labour, which was the kind of inhumane work many black people in this country engaged in. He loves innovation and creativity; he’s not very much fond of the norm and would like to see what is not known to become what is known. He am a researcher of the science of theology. A typical rural man in all respects, a Reformed scholar, who is saved by the grace of God alone (sola gratia), who has also realized that there is no amount of prayer or preaching that can save him from sin, he subscribes to Plato’s words: “I know one thing and that is I know nothing”.  He have a dogmatic certainty that God is in every person’s life. God is in every life. Even if the life of that person has been a disaster, even if it has been destroyed by vices, immoralities, wickedness and drugs or anything else – God is in the person’s life. It is my responsibility to try to seek God in every human life (Pope Francis).  

He is a co-host of “Imvuselelo” on Sunday at 19h00-21h00 as well as “Ukholo Nengqiqo”. Imvuselelo is the source of hope for the hopeless, “hope is the last thing to lose”. On this program, they try to unravel the high principles of hermeneutics and contextualisation. The challenge is to address the serious emotional problems of the people and ask God to intervene. This is a Holy Spirit driven show; “No one should listen to this show and still be the same”. We try to communicate solid Gospel sermons as opposed to watery kind of sermons. The show gives us an opportunity to grow and assist listeners to also develop spiritually.

“Ukholo Nengqiqo” is aired at 5h00-8h30 every Sunday. The program is a measuring tool between faith and reasoning, faith and rhetoric, fides et ratio. We would like people to use their reasoning as a compass for their faith; to declare war between their minds and their hearts – the two must never be friends. We want people to question religion and worship GOD, to understand that religion is not God and God is not religious (Bishop Tutu). . We should not belong to those who are being manipulated in the name of religion, who eat grass and drink petrol in the name of Jesus. Ukholo Nengqinqo is the watchdog of faith and reason. We critically evaluate and work against the words of Karl Max that religion is the opium of the the mind; you cannot accept religion without selling your mind. It is our belief on Ukholo Nengqiqo that people must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover complete joy. 

Mzukisi Faleni worked for a community radio station. In fact he was one the co-founders of the isiXhosa department of a popular Christian radio station in Cape Town (Radio Tygerberg). Rev Monwabisi Nqiwa was his man; he had a great passion for radio and Mzukisi Faleni worked under him as a preacher on Radio Xhosa and co-presenter on ‘Intlalo Yomtshato”. Rev Nqiwa had a good vision for radio and from the experience with him, Mzukisi has always regarded radio as a wider pulpit than that of my church and I have continuously wanted to address the mind and soul of the listener. 
