Nafi Chinery

Africa Director NRGI
Nafi Chinery is the West Africa Manager at the Natural Resource Governance Institute where she leads to improve natural resource governance in West Africa through the design, implementation and coordination of NRGI’s strategic engagements, process and programs. Nafi is a social development expert with over 20 years’ experience in development work with one of UK’s biggest charities, Oxfam GB and the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF). Nafi has a long-standing career in transformative leadership, and an advocate for alternative economic development. For 17 years, Nafi invested her time and skills to develop and strengthen credible well-informed women’s rights organizations and leaders to accelerate the respect of women’s rights across Africa. In the last two and half years, Nafi has re-focused her energy to work with CSOs and governments to improve extractive sector governance in Africa. She has provided strategic leadership, opportunistic approach and collaborated with sector CSOs and the Ghanaian government leading to passage of key sector legislations such as Ghana’s Petroleum Exploration and Production Regulation 2018 and the Fiscal Responsibility Law 2018. She has also provided the leadership required for CSOs push for transparency in Ghana’s first Open Oil & Gas Bid and Licensing Round.
Nafi holds a Masters in Social Development and Sustainable Livelihoods from the University of Reading, UK, Bachelor Degree and a Diploma in Education from University of Cape Coast, Ghana and an Executive Certificate in Oil, Gas and Mining from the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, UK.