Nguomoja Amuri

Nguomoja Amuri has over nine years of experience working in underprivileged communities in the fields of sports, music, and peace building. Currently, he is the founder and Creative Director of Tumaini Sports Academy in Uvira and Kigoma, where he focuses on using sports and music as a medium to create cultural awareness and understanding among young people of different ethnic backgrounds involved in conflict. He is an Action Partner with the Oxfam International Youth Partnerships program managing different youth led initiatives. Nguomoja Amuri completed a sports and development fellowship at the DO School in Hamburg, Germany. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Nguomoja plans to set up five training centers in South and North Kivu with each center selecting 200 boys and girls aged 10-20 years old and representing all tribes. These centers will provide sports and arts training, peace education, and life skills with a goal to broaden the network of peace ambassadors who will in turn launch campaigns to inform and engage their communities about peace. Stayed in Africa.