

Nita Lawton-Misra

Nita Lawton-Misra

Ms Nita Lawton-Misra joined UWC on 1 February 2015 from the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), where she was the Head of the University’s Disability Unit since 1999, and served as the Deputy Registrar: Academic since 2009 (and also as Acting Registrar).

As Deputy Registrar at WITS the following departments reported to Ms Lawton-Misra: University’s Secretariat, Examinations and Graduation Office, Disability Unit, Central Records Office, Academic Publications Unit, and the five Faculty Registrars. Furthermore, she coordinated returning students’ registrations, inaugural lectures and Council Readmissions Committees, and developed academic and administrative policies.

Ms Lawton-Misra is a registered psychologist and a certified life coach. She holds a University Diploma in Education (UDW), a Diploma in Specialised Education (UNISA), a BA Degree (Majors: Education and Psychology) (UNISA), a BEd Degree (UNISA) and an MEd Degree from WITS. She also participated in the International Executive Development Programme run by the Wits and London Business Schools.

Ms Lawton-Misra has presented papers at various national and international conferences, facilitated and participated in workshops and seminars, as well as served on many boards, including the Transformation Advisory Board at ABSA.

As UWC Registrar, her main responsibilities include: Institutional Governance (which includes the overall management and secretariat function of the governance structures within the applicable governance and statutory frameworks) and Academic Administration in partnership with Senate and Faculties (which includes, amongst others, the Registration of University qualifications and the overarching responsibility for Student Administration, from applications, admissions, registrations and examinations through to graduation). The management of all records associated with the above responsibilities also forms part of her portfolio.
