Nkeko Caroline Mampuru
![Nkeko Caroline Mampuru](https://www.wikimzansi.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Nkeko-Caroline-Mampuru.jpg)
Nkeko Caroline Mampuru is the Deputy Head of the Unit at the Special Investigating Unit (SIU).
Since joining the SIU in September 2017, Caroline has given valuable inputs in the development of the Siyakha Project, which aims at the rebuilding of the SIU through structural and culture change.
Before coming to SIU, Caroline was employed at the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) as Business Executive: Investigations. Nkeko Caroline Mampuru was actively involved in establishing the strategic direction of the Investigation Business Unit (IBU) and managed the team by ensuring that they are aligned with the vision, mission and strategic objectives of the AGSA, driving the implementation plan of the portfolio and ensuring the IBU has clear and value adding focus areas. She was also involved in ensuring the on-going improvement of the Fraud Risk Detection Analysis which is one of the IBU functionalities; driving the implementation of commitments and strategies emanating from the PFMA and MFMA planning sessions.
Nkeko Caroline Mampuru has also been involved in the enhancement of quality outcomes, ensuring the timely assessment and response to requests for investigations during the normal audit cycle. She led high-level stakeholder relationships and interactions ( with MEC’s, HOD’s and Portfolio Committees). She continuously assessed the effectiveness of all critical engagements and interactions e.g. with Health and Education (PFMA) Metros and high capacity Municipalities (MFMA) and put measures in place to address gaps identified.
She contributed to the AGSA planning, budgeting and reporting cycle at organisational level. Provided direction and support to IBU in order to translate the organisational and IBU strategies into specific action plans. She drove and led the development and retention of staff and cultivated a positive culture and climate within the IBU through Talent management, Change management, Employee engagement and People strategy implementation. She proactively identified potential risks for the IBU and put in place measures to address these to ensure financial viability and seeking innovative ways to save on running costs.
Prior to her appointment at The Auditor General of South Africa, she was the Chief Director at the Public Service Commission.
She managed the financial and human capital of the Chief Directorate, which comprises of three Directorates and a budget of R12 Mil. She led and managed investigations relating to procurement, appointment irregularities and financial misconduct in the Public Service. She was also responsible for the review of the investigation reports, led and managed research projects from project conceptualization, methodology, data collation and reporting.
She was also employed at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration as a Junior Commissioner. She was responsible for the Conciliation and Arbitration of cases, drafting of arbitration outcomes, liaising with employers and complainants, researching labour trends and providing training on alternative dispute resolution.
Her first employment was with the Department of Justice as a State Prosecutor where she was responsible for guiding the investigative phase and the collection of evidence, presented the State cases in court, administrative functions relating to cases and liaising with the police, lawyers and witnesses.
Caroline has a thorough knowledge of the Public Sector Legislative Framework (PFMA, MFMA, Treasury Regulations, etc.). She has a thorough knowledge of audit processes and methodologies, excellent report writing and review skills, investigative skills, Program and Project Management skills. She led and chaired strategic initiatives such as POLCOM and HoU forums.
Caroline has a firm understanding of governance and oversight, having served in two Constitutional bodies created to strengthen parliamentary oversight. She has an extensive knowledge of labour law, alternate dispute resolution capacity, knowledge of criminal law and procedure, administration and time management.
Professional Background
Caroline holds a B.Proc degree from University of the North now called University of Limpopo, which she obtained in 1996. She has LLB from University of Limpopo obtained in 1997 and the Executive Development Course, which she obtained from University of South Africa at the School of Business Leadership in 2015
Professional memberships
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa.