Nomaindiya Cathleen Mfeketo

Ms Mfeketho was appointed as Minister of Human Settlements on 27 February 2018. Ms Nomaindiya Mfeketho was the Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa from 26 May 2014 until 26 February 2018.
She is also member of Parliament, a Chairperson of ANC Caucus from 2008 and a member of ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) since 2007. Ms Mfeketo was awarded a Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Cape Town.
Between 1996 to 1998, Ms Mfeketo was elected Chairperson of Cape Town City Council during pre- interm phase and was instrumental in uniting and integration of people of Cape Town and spearheaded the Council’s Transformation initiatives. She served as an Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town from 1998 to 2000 and re-elected and served for five years from 2002 until 2006.
Ms Mfeketo was the first black woman to become mayor of the City of Cape Town. During this period she became involved in negotiations that brought bout the stat and the non stat into council in 1993.
She worked for Development Action Group (DAG) an organisation focusing on housing options and housing development in 1992 and later joined Social Change Assistance Trust (SCAT) a financial NGO responsible for funding and establishment of advice officers focusing on rural and peri-Urban areas during the period 1991 and 1992.
In 1994 DAG appointed her on full-time basis in the Local government sector where she played an outstanding role. She became a member of Zakhe in 1980, a member and a Director of many companies, such as IDASA, Saatchi and Saatchi, National Urban Reconstruction Community Housing Association (NURCHA), Faranani Risk Solutions and Sibanye Bantu.
She was elected Chairperson of South African Wine Trust (SAWIT); and she received the Local Government Management of South Africa Award, for launching a massive Citizen listening campaign in 2003.
Ms Mfeketo Developed a Development Trajactory to take City of Cape Town right throught to the year 2020 and served as a Political Advisor to then Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma. She became a member of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress (ANC) and a member of ANC Working Committee.
Ms Mfeketo was the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa from 9 May 2009 until 25 May 2014.