

Obakeng Alphance Setlhamo

Obakeng Sethamo has over eight years of experience in the community development sector, specifically focusing on disaster risk reduction, climate change action, and local governance. Currently, Obakeng is a Founder and Director at Climate Exploration Hub, where he focuses on the development of disaster risk reduction, renewable energy, livelihoods, and climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Obakeng is also a Co-founder and Social Data Innovator with SencaResearch, where he connects companies with their clients and African researchers with the world.Obakeng holds a Master of Science degree in Climate Change and Development from the University of Sussex, where he focused on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Obakeng is driven by his commitment towards the creation of new development pathways through climate resilient development and linking young people to new exciting job opportunities. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Obakeng plans to continue building Climate Exploration Hub as a trusted climate change knowledge broker for local communities and government institutions engaging in climate action as well as increase SencaResearch’s footprint across Southern Africa.
