Ockert Goosen

Ockert Goosen qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1986 after completing his articles at Peat, Marwick, Mitchell (now KPMG). He accumulated extensive experience during his 17-year career in investment banking, commencing at Barclays Merchant Bank in 1986, in the corporate finance division. His exposure at FirstCorp and First National Bank ranged from relationship banking to managing credit risk, structured finance, regulatory arbitrage and securitisation. He joined Real Africa Durolink (RAD) Bank in 1996 where he held senior positions in the property finance, structured finance, credit, treasury and debt divisions. He was a director of RAD Bank and a number of companies in the RAD Group, including a member of RAD Bank’s Manco, Credit Committee and Investment Committee. In 2002, he joined Gensec Bank where he headed the securitisation unit in the debt finance division, responsible for a structured finance book and debt portfolio management. He has vast experience in asset management, structured and corporate finance, securitisation, treasury, credit management and managing collective investment schemes and was a founding member of Ora Fund Managers in 2003. He serves as Non-executive Director on certain of Trustee Board Investments (TBI) and TBI Strategic Partners’ investee company boards.