

Olabanji Odunayo Aladejana

Olabanji Odunayo Aladejana

Olabanji Aladejana has over six years’ experience in researching public management challenges and the development of custom information technology (IT) solutions utilizing earth observation technology and geographic information systems. He currently works as a lecturer at the Federal University of Technology in Akure and runs a private IT firm, where he consults for state governments, banks, and publicly minded organizations. Olabanji Odunayo Aladejana holds a doctoral degree in Ecology and Environmental Management from the Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, where he investigated the link between climate change, land degradation, water scarcity, and food insecurity in a typical West African basin. Over the years, he has successfully developed an early warning flood risk system for flood-prone areas in southeast Nigeria, a framework for automated waste management in southwest Nigeria, an automatic customer address verification system for a number of Nigerian banks, and a dynamic geospatial land parcel information system for his hometown. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Olabanji plans to increase the number of employable graduates with adequate IT skills for public management. He also wants to grow his IT firm to maturity, creating jobs and providing opportunities for young and vibrant university graduates in Nigeria.
