

Olivia Kaguliro Mulerwa

Olivia Kaguliro Mulerwa

Olivia Kaguliro Mulerwa is passionate about justice development in Rwanda. Lately, she has applied her six years’ experience as a human rights and international justice lawyer to practically articulate the vision of the Justice Ministry’s International Division. As the division’s first manager, she has served as the ministry’s interlocutor with key UN and African Union human rights processes. Olivia Kaguliro Mulerwa has researched and reported on the human rights situation in Rwanda to the UN, the African Human Rights Commission and the Universal Periodic Review. She has also monitored prosecution of genocide cases extradited to Rwanda. She has developed a keen appreciation for the role of civil society in justice development and intends to continue working with civil society in Rwanda to build advocacy skills necessary for proactive engagement with the government on policy issues. In the short term, Olivia plans to pursue her graduate education in international relations and policy analysis.
