Ousmane Ii Souare

Ousmane II Souare is a medical doctor with over 15 years of experience in community leadership and community health promotion. Currently, he works with an American NGO called Research Triangle Institute (RTI), where he is managing the surveillance department. He assists the Ministry of Health of Guinea in rebuilding the health surveillance system of the country that was destroyed by the Ebola virus by implementing a software that allows a good epidemiological surveillance. He holds a degree in Visceral Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine Guinea. For the past three years, he has worked in the field of public health as a humanitarian in the fight against the Ebola virus, malnutrition, female genital mutilation, youth delinquency, and HIV with an NGO called Udid, of which he is a founding member. Ousmane Ii Souare believes that after his fellowship program with the US institutions, he will be sufficiently equipped with skills to assist the Ministry of Health in establishing a strong community health system. He will also be able to empower Udid and allow his NGO to make concrete proposals to deal with malnutrition problems in his community. Stayed in Africa.