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WikiMzansi is South Africa's free online information resource profiling the continent's prominent leaders.

View professional biographies of prominent African celebrities, politicians, corporate and business leaders.

Mongezi Veti

Executive Head: Sustainability Exxaro Resources His extensive experience in the mining industry spans over four decades starting from Gold, Platinum, and now in coal. Upon joining the coal sector, he soon realized that coal was his final home, and that he never looked back, and this was after joining Sasol Mining, as a Mining Professional… read more »

Molefi Motuku (Dr)

Chief Executive Officer Mintek Dr Molefi Motuku is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK). Previously, he was the Group Executive: Research, Development, Innovation, and an Acting CEO of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Prior to joining the CSIR, he was the Chief Executive Officer of… read more »

Millicent Naledi Macheru

Operational Planning Specialist Anglo American Millicent Macheru works as an Operational Planning Specialist for Anglo American in Australia. Her responsibilities include rolling out of the Anglo American Operating Model (AAOM) and setting the production strategy for the operation to achieve business plan. Millicent received her Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering from the University of… read more »

Mike Teke

CEO Seriti Resources Mr. Mike Teke, BA (Ed), BEd, BA (Hons), MBA From his beginnings in education to his career in Human Resources, Mike Teke has gained extensive experience in people and business management in BHP and Impala, as well as CEO of Optimum Coal Holdings (prior to it being taken over by Glencore). Mike… read more »

Michael Wrotniak

Investment Manager Orion Resource Partners Michael is an Investment Manager at Orion Resource Partners, one of the world’s leading metals-focused private equity businesses. Michael is responsible for the identification, evaluation and execution of new investments for Orion, as well as portfolio management. Michael has experience in transactions covering public and private equity, streaming, royalties, offtake… read more »

Melanie Roy

Research Co-ordinator Economic Reseach & Policy Institute NUMSA Economic Research & Policy Institute Ms Melanie Roy, is the Snr Research coordinator at the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa Research and Policy Institute. Her research expertise are in Policy, Project Management, Macroeconomics, and labour markets.  She has extensive experience in the Trade Union movement… read more »

Meagan van den Berg

Executive Southern Africa AECI Meagan matriculated in 2003 from a technical high school in the Eastern Cape and was able to pursue her interest in engineering after being awarded a bursary by the De Beers Groups to study towards a BSC. Mining Engineering degree at the University of the Witwatersrand. After graduating, Meagan was offered… read more »

Matsobane Nong

Lecturer Wits University Matsobane Nong is a lecturer in the school of Mining Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her research interests are in blast optimisation and structure response to blast vibration. She graduated with a BSc in Mining Engineering in 2013 and began her career as a graduate Mining Engineer at Impala Platinum… read more »

Martin Lokanc (Dr.)

Senior Mining Specialist World Bank Dr. Martin Lokanc is a Senior Mining Specialist in the World Bank’s Energy and Extractives Global Practice. He currently supports and leads mining sector development activities across Africa, in addition to managing a number of research and global knowledge projects. Trained as a mining engineer and economist, he has global… read more »

Marna Cloete

President Ivanhoe Marna Cloete is a registered Chartered Accountant and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation from the University of Pretoria.  In 2006, Marna joined Ivanhoe Mines, and in 2009 she was promoted to Chief Financial Officer and to President in 2020.  Marna played an instrumental role as part of the Ivanhoe leadership team achieving… read more »

Mark Bristow

President & CEO Barrick Gold Corporation Mark Bristow is the president and chief executive of Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD) (TSX:ABX).  Formerly, he was chief executive of Randgold Resources, the company he built from a small Africa-focused exploration business into one of the industry’s most profitable and best managed gold miners. Following the Barrick and Randgold… read more »

Marit Y. Kitaw

Interim Director African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC), African Union Commission Ms. Marit Kitaw, PhD  is the Interim Director of the African Minerals Development Center (AMDC), a Specialized Agency of the African Union, and a panafrican Center dedicated to harnessing Africa’s mineral resources for sustainable development and structural transformation in Africa, through implementing the Africa Mining… read more »

Marion Provencher

Gender Analyst IGF Marion Provencher is an anthropologist by training and works as a gender analyst with the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, metals, and Sustainable Development (IGF). Her work is to ensure that gender dimensions are taken into account in all aspects of mining governance, including the development of gender equality policies, programmes, and… read more »

Marina Demidova

Head of Communications Cobalt Institute Marina focuses on increasing the Cobalt Institute’s visibility in media, developing compelling messages to external audiences and leading on strategic communications projects. She holds a Masters degree in Political Communications and Strategy from the University of Kent. She speaks English, French and Russian.

Marie-Chantal Kaninda

President Glencore DRC Mrs Marie-Chantal Kaninda joined Glencore DRC 3 years ago as Vice-President of Corporate Affairs . Since January 2023 , she is The President of Glencore DRC  and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kamoto Copper Company-KCC(since July 2022) ,a joint venture between Gécamines ( 25%) and Glencore (75%) in the DRC. … read more »
