Paul Baloyi

Paul joined the Development Bank of Southern Africa in June 2006 as managing director and as chief executive officer until April 2012. Paul also served as CEO and Managing Director of DBSA Development Fund. Prior to this Paul had spent over 35 years in the financial services sector with both Standard Bank and the Nedbank Group. His last position at Nedbank was as Managing Director of Nedbank Africa. Paul has been an independent non-executive director on many boards locally and internationally including African financial institutions. He was a council member of the Institute of Bankers and also served as Chairman of the Ned Medical Aid. Other boards include Old Mutual South Africa Limited, Basil Read Limited (of which he is Chairman), Bidcorp Limited, KSI Proprietary Limited, Alphamin Limited, and CapLeverage. Paul also serves on various board committees (audit, risk, remuneration, nominations and credit) as either a member or as Chairman. He has experience in financial services, core expertise in risk, strategy, corporate governance, corporate finance and financial engineering. Paul is currently the Managing Director and 45% shareholder of CapLeverage which owns 7.09% of enX.