

Pokolo F.J. Andrewson Jr

Pokolo F.J. Andrewson Jr

Pokolo F.J. Andrewson Jr. is a dynamic and results-driven administrative executive with over five years’ experience in shipping management, focusing on cargo handling. Currently, Pokolo is the general manager at the Atlantic Maritime Agency, a shipping company providing vessel agency, stevedoring, ship handling, clearing, and forwarding services. Pokolo F.J. Andrewson Jr also served in the nonprofit sector as the program coordinator for the World Bank sponsored Economic Governance and Institutional Reform Project. This role gave him an appreciation and understanding of how nonprofits seek to improve the quality of life in Liberia. Pokolo holds a master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh and an executive certificate in Shipping Management from the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad. Pokolo is motivated by his passion for creating employment opportunities for Liberians, as he hopes to one day see a poverty-free Liberian society. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), Pokolo plans to continue his work in economic empowerment with a focus on accelerating employment opportunities and improving employability.
