

Rafik Boussa

Rafik Boussa

Rafik Boussa is the President of l Grant Thornton in Algeria, one of the leading advisory firm. Grant Thornton is authorized by the Algerian Securities Exchange Commission (COSOB) as a Listing Sponsor and Valuation Expert. Rafik Brings 14 years professional experience. Rafik is founding partner of the Advisory boutique Algiers Financial Group “ AFG” a part of Grant Thornton Group. Grant Thornton in Algeria in ranked among Top 4 advisory firms.

Rafik Boussa is a member of the Francophone Board in Grant Thornton International & Head of Energy & Natural Resources Africa Group. He is General Secretary of the Algerian Corporate Governance Institute “Hawkama El Djazair” He carried out Assets quality review for five 5 banks in Algeria, which represent more than 75% of the total Loans in Algeria. He has successfully implemented a stress testing model in a large state-owned bank. He provided strategic advisory services for one of the largest banks in Algeria.

He has also implemented IFRS standards in 7 banks and financial institutions and several other large companies in Algeria He has provided strategic consulting for the launch of an Islamic insurance company. He provided Valuation services to Biopharm, a leading pharmaceutical company, as part of its IPO. Rafik has recently provided Strategic advisory services to the Algerian Ministry of Industry on the new industrialisation policy.

Rafik is attending one-year Senior Leadership Program at Said Business School at Oxford University. He is graduated from the Algerian Finance school “Ecole Supérieure de Banque”. During his career, he has participated in many management and leadership training. He is certified in Corporate Governance by IFC, a subsidiary of the World Bank.
Rafik is among the Top 100 African economic leaders for the second consecutive year according to the study conducted by the French institute Choiseul for 2014 , 2015 & 2016
