

Ragnagnewende Medard Aristide Nacoulma

Ragnagnewende Medard Aristide Nacoulma

Ragnagnewende Medard Aristide Nacoulma has over three years’ experience as a community health educator with two organizations, focusing on sexually transmitted disease awareness campaigns. Ragnagnewende Medard Aristide Nacoulma believes that basic community health education can help with the early detection of disease. This belief drives him to lead community health education campaigns about communicable diseases in secondary school, specifically Hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases. He is completing a medical degree at the University of Joseph Ky Zerbo Ouaga 1. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Project Management with a focus on Monitoring and Evaluation. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), Aristide plans to develop health informatics skills to provide accurate health data for public health interventions to strengthen the health system in Burkina Faso.
