Ramatu Safiano Baba

Ramatu Safiano Baba has an IT background in web and application development. She has ten years of experience in the telecom industry and is currently the business intelligence (BI) manager at Vodafone Ghana, responsible for the delivery of business intelligence solutions within the company. Ramatu is a member of the Ghana Muslim Academy – an NGO that seeks to promote education in society, especially in deprived communities; by organizing programs aimed at empowering the youth intellectually, socially, and morally. Her focus has been on grooming young Muslims on the importance of secular education. Ramatu Safiano Baba is a project management professional and holds a master’s degree in Marketing from Sikkim Municipal University, she was directorate of Distance Education in Accra; where she focused on improving customer satisfaction in the Telecoms Industry in Ghana. Ramatu expects to utilize the knowledge and insights that she will gain from the Fellowship to start her own business venture.