Reverend Mehana is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, Adjunct Professor of UCT: Graduate School of Business and Top Management Certificate on Public Enterprise (National University of Singapore). Reverend Mehana is the chairman of the LR Management Group (Pty) Ltd and also sits on the boards of various companies as well as being an active leader in non-profit organisations. He is the independent non-executive chairman of African Equity Empowerment Investments Limited. His major directorships include: LR Management Group (Pty) Ltd (chairman), J & C Engineering (Pty) Ltd (non-executive chairman), Mazwe Financial Services (non-executive chairman), Makana Investment Corporation (Pty) Ltd (non-executive director representing the Ex-Political Prisoners Trust), espAfrika (Pty) Ltd, Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) (chairman), Mendo Holdings and Sizwe IT Group and the South African Police Services Transformation Task Team (chairman).