

Richard Burrett

Richard Burrett

Richard Burrett joined the board of Union Bank as a Non-Executive Director in 2013.
His career spans a 30 year period, 25 of which he spent in International Banking, garnering a deep understanding of project finance and sustainability. He is currently a partner at Earth Capital Partners, a fund management business that targets sustainable asset classes in Nigeria.

During his over 20 years at ABN AMRO, he developed vast experience in project and structured finance, specialising in the energy and infrastructure sectors. Whilst there, he was instrumental to the creation of the Equator Principles, a market recognised standard for managing environmental and social risk issues in project financing.

As Global Head of Project Finance he was responsible for ABN AMRO’s award winning business franchises in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and Brazil.

Richard Burrett has held a number of board level advisory roles and has been Co-Chair of the United Nations Environment Programme. He is also a Fellow of the Cambridge University Programme for sustainability.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Durham University Business School.

ory roles and has been Co-Chair of the United Nations Environment.
