Rita Siaw
Rita Siaw is a professional teacher with 8 years’ work experience and a passion for improving rural education. Currently, she is the Assistant Head Teacher, Curriculum Leader, and Guidance and Counseling Coordinator at her school. She hosts radio shows to educate the public on health and youth and women related issues. Rita is the Founder of Feminine Star Africa, an organization aimed at impacting rural education and advocating for the rights and empowerment of women and children. After winning the Most Innovative Teacher Award in 2015, she is replicating her innovations in other schools through teacher capacity building workshops on pragmatic reading and writing and positive discipline in place of corporal punishment. She speaks to students at seminars and camps to inspired them to work on their goals and confidence. Rita Siaw supports the re-entry of teen mothers to school and gives skills training to unemployed women. Rita holds a bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. She hopes to raise a generation of global change makers through her initiatives. Upon completion of the fellowship, Rita intends to expand her work on improving rural education and women’s empowerment and to serve as a voice for abused women and girls to help them gain confidence, maturity, and independence.