Roland S Kamara

Roland S. Kamara is a seasoned administrator and communicator with over six years of organizational management and leadership. Roland S Kamara has a background in Public Administration and Political Science. He also holds two separate Diplomas in Peace and Conflict Resolution and Journalism. He is the Executive Director of NetLib Vocational Training Institute now NetLib Technical College. NetLib has empowered close to two thousand young people through technical and vocational education. His vision is to help mitigate the problems of unemployment which by and large is attributed to the lack of relevant skills. At NetLib College, Roland is responsible for the overall management of the institution, personnel development, management, and supervision. He has wealth of experience working as a National United Nations Volunteer. As a UNV, he helped to formulate the Liberia Volunteer Coordinating Committee for Development (LVCC4D), a policy document aimed at structuring, strengthening and facilitating the work of all volunteer organizations in Liberia. Inspired by a commitment to see a society of empowered youth, Roland intends to decentralize his program to other parts of Liberia(Africa), especially for at-risk youth. By this, Roland intends to empower more young people through technical skills for a sustainable livelihood and national economic growth.