Rowan Karstel

DSI-NRF CIMERA Independent Steering Committee Chair
Rowan have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mining and Civil Engineering from the University of Pretoria, a Master’s degree in Mineral Economics from the University of the Witwatersrand and holds an MBA from the University of Stellenbosch
He has traversed the full mining business circle from operations, technical, projects to business development. CEO of junior coal mining companies listed on Australia, London, Toronto and JSE. Raised capital in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Oman, Melbourne/ Sydney/ Perth and Johannesburg/Cape Town.
Rowan worked 17 years for BHPBilliton in the Coal Division and 3 years for Xstrata Coal. He was the CEO of Keaton Energy, Beacon Hill Resources, Buffalo Coal Mines and currently CEO of Tumelo Coal Mines.
Rowan is currently a director of: Mmakau Mining, Mmakau Coal, Dorstfontein Coal Mines, Forzando Coal Mines, Tumelo Coal Mine, Marula Platinum (Impala) and Makgome Chrome