RT (Royden) Vice

South African – BCom, CA(SA)
Royden Vice is the chairman of the board of Waco International Holdings (Pty) Limited since retiring in July 2011 after ten years as the company’s CEO. The Waco group of companies has subsidiaries in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and southern Africa. Prior to this, Royden was CEO of Industrial and Special Products of the UK-based BOC Group, responsible for operations in over 50 countries and revenue of US$4 billion. He was also chairman of African Oxygen Limited (Afrox) from 1994 to 2001 and Afrox Healthcare, which successfully listed in 1999. He serves as a non-executive director on the boards of Hudaco Industries Limited where he is the chairman and Murray and Roberts Holdings. Royden is a governor of Rhodes University. He has extensive global leadership experience, having lived on three continents – America (New York), Africa (Johannesburg) and Europe (London).