

Ruqayah Sesay

Ruqayah Sesay

Ruqayah Sesay is the co-founder and President of a women’s NGO called Support, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Trade among women (SIET). She is also an Edupreneur (education entrepreneur), who is passionate about changing her society through education by building the character of her students. Currently, Ruqayah Sesay teaches government at Kotu Senior Secondary School. Ruqayah is an avid advocate for the protection of the rights of women and girls. She served as Social Secretary of the Assembly of Gambia Muslim Youth’s female wing. Ruqayah organizes health events where work, faith, and everyday life issues were discussed among young Muslim women. Ruqayah holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Gambia(Africa). She plans to return home after the Mandela Washington Fellowship to apply her acquired knowledge, experience and skills from the fellowship into her work.
