Safiya Ahmad Nuhu

Safiya Nuhu has over five years of experience as a lecturer in the Department of Public Law at Bayero University,Nigeria. and over six years of experience engaged in civil society activities. She is the Research Coordinator for Kano Civil Society Forum and also a Director at Green Horizon Law and Development Consultancy firm, where she offers consultancy services in areas such as access to justice, researching justice institutions, training and mentoring, and policy and institutional reviews. She holds an LL.B degree in Comparative Law, a masters’ degree in Law, a master’s in Business and Commercial Law, and is presently pursuing her Ph.D in Law at the University of Witwatersrand South Africa with a research focus on the regional protection and assistance of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa. After completing the fellowship, she hopes to engage with her students on leadership skills assisting in the implementation of a CSO project that is focused on reducing human rights abuses, increasing citizen’s awareness on access to justice, and promoting peaceful means of resolving disputes and grievances. Safiya Ahmad Nuhuwas one of 100 Fellows competitively selected to participate in an 8-week internship in the United States following the Mandela Washington Fellowship academic institute. She interned at the Brookings Institution in August-September 2014.