Saleh Ali Houssein (Sahfyr)
Saleh Ali Houssein (Sahfyr) has almost 10 years’ experience in project management and public relations working on the ground with CSOs in his native town, Ali-Sabieh. He volunteers helping his community, working with US Army Civil Affairs Team to set up useful small projects for youth and women. Saleh Ali Houssein (Sahfyr) ‘the friend of Americans’ as Assajog people used to call him, has initiated as his chief project with Friends of Open Books, the renovation of the first local library for youth and students. He is an English teacher in Ali-Sabieh middle school and volunteers teaching English to youth through the English club with other English teachers. Currently, he also leads a consulting firm, Focus&Zoom+ where he serves as a consultant and assists rural communities to set up projects. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he plans to continue his engagement in the development of his community by assisting youth and women. Stayed in Africa.