Samuel Makuza

Mr. Samuel MAKUZA graduated in MOI UNIVERSITY NAIROBI – KENYA with an Executive Master ‘s Degree in Business Administration Aviation option.
Mr. Samuel MAKUZA entered the aviation activities in January 2002 and worked as Air Traffic Controller after completing the related course and Aeronautical Information Officer in Rwanda, in 2012 joined the Air Operation activities in United Nation Africa Hybrid Mission Darfur (UNAMID) Nyala International Airport.
Mr. Samuel MAKUZA completed different aviation professional courses like:
Air Traffic Controller (ATC) course and qualified as an Aerodrome and Approach Controller in 2002 EASA (East African School of Aviation) Kenya, Fundamentals of Aeronautical Information Services Concepts and Applications Course in October 2007 SAA (Singapore Aviation Academy), Aeronautical Information Officers Course 2010, Aviation conventional and Digital Cartography course in 2011 Civil Aviation Training Centre (Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority) 2015-2022 lecturer at University of Technology and Tourism Business study UTB.
Mr. Samuel MAKUZA has attended and facilitated several aviation-related summits, conferences, and seminars around the world. These include the 48th AFRAAAnnual General Assembly in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 2016, AviAssist Aviation Safety Symposium, Amsterdam Netherlands April 2018, The 6th World Aviation Safety Summit, Dubai December 2018.
Mr. Samuel MAKUZA has contributed on 7th Annual Africa airport expansion Summit held on 25th-26th February 2019 Kigali, Rwanda as a panelist on topic entitled “Digitalization as answer to the multiple security and safety threats”
Mr. Samuel MAKUZA, presently do the following:
Aviation consultancy as a founder of Aviajoin ltd, a Company that promote, share the aviation skills. Expert trainer in Airline and Airport management program at higher learning institution.
2nd Vice Chairperson of Rwanda Association of Travel Agency (RATA) and Managing Director of Wings Travel Agency which created 2012 and the travel agency is a member of Rwanda Association of Travel Agency.