Sandrine Elodie Alla

Sandrine Elodie Alla has over 8 years of experience in development projects grants management. Sandrine Elodie Alla is currently the Grants Manager of Health Alliance International (HAI), an international NGO . Before HAI, she worked for Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation and Habitat for Humanity International on projects dealing with HIV/AIDS issues and supporting orphans and vulnerable children. Sandrine is also the co-founder of a local NGO called “Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders” in which she focuses on women empowerment and advocates for more gender-inclusive policies. She holds a master’s degree in Organizations Management and is driven by her passion to assist vulnerable populations and create awareness among women about their potential to positively impact their communities. Upon completion of the fellowship, she plans to open an incubator training center in building trades for young, single mothers of rural and urban areas. Stayed in Africa.