Sean Gilbertson

ean Gilbertson graduated as a mining engineer from Wits University in South Africa having spent time in the country’s deep- level gold and platinum mines. Mr Gilbertson worked as project financier for Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and London specialising in independent power projects and public/private partnerships.
In 1998, Mr Gilbertson co-founded globalCOAL, a company that played a central role in the commoditisation of the thermal coal industry, and was appointed chief executive officer in 2001 when the business was acquired by industry players including Anglo American plc, BHP Billiton plc, Glencore International AG and Rio Tinto plc. He was also co-founder of the pioneering Spectron eMetals trading platform for category I and II members of the London Metals Exchange.
Mr Gilbertson is a founding partner of both Pallinghurst Advisors LLP and the Investment Manager and is primarily responsible for Pallinghurst’s coloured gemstone strategy. Mr Gilbertson is a director of Gemfields plc and Fabergé Limited, as well as assorted related companies. Mr Gilbertson is a British and South African citizen.