

Seraphine Kando

Seraphine Kando

Seraphine Kando is a human rights lawyer and advocate with a master’s degree in Law and post-graduate diploma in Disarmament and Non-Proliferation. She is running an organization called Femmes Actives pour le Developpement Durable to promote women’s empowerment and civic engagement in her community. Her background includes project management and understanding the rights of women and girls. She is passionate about building a better world around herself. Seraphine Kando does this by being involved in human rights promotion and protection through volunteer and community service and as well as through her professional career. These include campaigning against the stigmatization of people infected by HIV/AIDS through the establishment of Club RAJS in 2004 to promote peer education on sexual and reproductive health among the young people of her community, working as a volunteer for REVS Hounde from 2005 to 2007 on HIV/AIDS issues, and campaigning with Amnesty International. She participates successfully in various surveys at Peace Corps Burkina Faso as Safety and Security Assistant. Currently a volunteer in the African Union Commission, Seraphine is working as Human Rights Associate for promoting and protecting human rights in Africa.
