Shamin A. Sookia

Shamin A. Sookia joined Perigeum Capital as Managing Director as from July 2016. This follows a 30-year career spanning across various fields including auditing, taxation, management and consultancy services, global business and financial restructuring.Shamin was also the Head of Listing at the Stock Exchange of Mauritius ( SEM ) from years 2005 to 2016, where he was actively involved in the development of new and innovative products in the context of SEM’s strategic shift to move up the value chain of listed and traded products.
He has also been instrumental in creating the enabling space for international ventures to list and raise capital on the SEM with the setting up of the regulatory framework in relation to ETFs, Structured Products, Specialist Debt Securities & Eurobonds and Global Business Companies.Shamin is a Fellow member of ACCA and CIMA as well and holds an MSc in IT (Business Information Systems & an MBA in Marketing