The Chairman of the Company, there Sheik Abdul Moshen Rahman Al-Thunayan, A Saudi national based in Saudi Arabia, is a world known and well respected visionary business tycoon. A fearless, tactiful and renowned economic crusader who always pilots successfully the ship of economic prosperity in the Kingdom and beyond, to the benefits of mankind.

He started his elementary school at Riyadh Primary School, Riyadh and His secondary school education at Riyadh Secondary school from where he went to General Management Institute for his higher education.

Being a God-fearing personality, his credibility, integrity and honesty cannot be over emphasised. A board member of Saudi United Company with a reasonable investment involvement in it and also a substantial share holder in Minas Travel all in Saudi Arabia. His interest in Saudi covers a diverse area such as contracting firm, Aviation, Banking and Finance. His business connection extends to United Kingdom, USA and France.

With his pleasant disposition and unparallel personal charisma, he is loved and revered by people he comes in contact with. His business acumen is second to none, he sucessfully overseas conglomerate of businesses both in the Kindom of Saudi Arabia and beyond. He is a business man of honour as well as industrialist of repute with a special devine grace of having magic wand in making business attain its maximium potential.

His interest in Nigeria Aviation is bourne out of a deep concern to alleviate the plight of teaming air travellers most especially our numerous pilgrims to the Holy land and also to foster good business relationship between our country and Saudi Arabia.