Siedoh Freeman

Siedoh Freeman is a Co-Founder of a local NGO, the Community Based Initiative for Disease Surveillance and Sustainable Development (CBI-DSSD). She has a BSC in Biology and is a graduate of the A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine, University of Liberia. Professionally, she has served as a Peer Educator for the Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia (PPAL), as a Monitor for the Election Coordinating Committee (ECC), and as a National UN Volunteer for the UNDP to track and report ebola virus disease (EVD) cases during the ebola outbreak. Currently, Siedoh Freeman is a part-time Training Officer at the CBI-DSSD; employed with the Liberian Ministry of Health and assigned as a Medical Officer at the Phebe Hospital in Bong County, Liberia(Africa). Her volunteerism and professional goal of becoming an obstetrician and public health practitioner links with her desire to contribute to the reduction in maternal mortality with emphasis on community involvement.