Simon Zerezghi Kiflay
Simon Zerezghi KiflaySimon Kiflay has ten years of experience working in community and youth development. Currently, he is head of the Automation and Preservation section in the Research and Documentation Center of Eritrea. Simon Zerezghi Kiflay co-founded the Eritrean National Reading Day, which aims to encourage youth and the larger community to have a stronger reading culture. He serves as an Executive Committee Member in the Library and Information Association of Eritrea (LIAE). In this role, he has established and strengthened libraries and information centers by introducing a records and information management system. Simon holds a bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Asmara and he is currently studying for his master’s degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Nairobi. Upon completing the Washington Fellowship(Africa), Simon intends to establish stronger information centers, conduct trainings and workshops to increase awareness and understanding, and work to contribute towards a prosperous, democratic, peaceful, and developed Africa.